Qualiton 300B
Er du klar til at hæve din lytteoplevelse til nye højder?
Her præsenteres Audio Hungary Qualiton 300B Integrated Amplifier, et mesterværk af lydteknik, der kombinerer den tidløse varme fra rørforstærkning med moderne teknologiske innovationer.
Pris: 74.900kr.
Ukompromitteret lydkvalitet: Qualiton 300B leverer 2 x 25 Watt af ren, musikalsk kraft, ideel til audiophile, der kræver intet mindre end det bedste. Hver note gengives med eksemplarisk detalje, takket være de legendariske 300B-effektrør, kendt for deres rige harmonier og glatte, musikalske udtryk. Uanset om du nyder jazzens nuancer eller klassisk musiks intensitet, bringer denne forstærker din musik til live som aldrig før.
Håndværk og Innovation: Håndlavet i Ungarn, er denne forstærker ikke bare et stykke udstyr, men et kunstværk. Den har raffinerede rørskredse forbedret med funktionaliteter som Automatic Bias System, Filament Soft-Start, og Relay Controlled Input Selection og Volume. Disse innovationer sikrer lang levetid af rørene og en sømløs lytteoplevelse.
En Sonisk Vision Realiseret: Audio Hungarys vision var at skabe en forstærker, der udmærker sig på hele lydens frekvensspektrum uden den fremtrædende farvning, der ofte forbindes med 300B-rør. Resultatet er en glat, velbalanceret lyd, der fanger hver detalje og giver en lytteoplevelse, der er både musikalsk og præcis.
Æstetisk Enkelthed med Unikke Træk: Designfilosofien lægger vægt på visuel neutralitet for at sikre, at forstærkeren passer perfekt ind i enhver hjemmeaudiosetup. Dog er den ikke uden sine unikke elementer – som det 45-graders vinklede chassis og synet af de smukke vakuumrør, som giver den en elegant, men funktionel æstetik.
Din Investering i Lyd: Prissat til at afspejle dens kvalitet og håndværkskunst, er Audio Hungary Qualiton 300B en investering i din musiksamlings potentiale. Den er designet til dem, der søger det ypperste i sonisk skønhed og tidløs elegance, og tilbyder uovertruffen detalje og varme for enhver audiophils samling.
Træd ind i en verden, hvor hver note ikke kun høres, men også føles. Audio Hungary Qualiton 300B er ikke bare en forstærker; det er din vej til at opleve musik præcis som kunstnerne havde til hensigt. Bliv en del af de kritiske lyttere, der vælger kvalitet, arv og innovation. Omfavn Qualiton 300B – hvor hver lytteoplevelse bliver et øjeblik af ren musikalsk lykke.

Powered by 300B
The 300B is a directly heated power triode that hardly needs an introduction. Originally developed by Western Electric in the mid-1930s for amplifying audio in movie theaters, it later became a favorite among audiophiles and one of the most successful vacuum tubes in history. Its outstanding sonic properties led us to name our top-of-the-line integrated amplifier after this phenomenal power tube. Its high linearity and low distortion serve as the perfect basis for the amplifier’s power block, in which we combine it with our own custom output transformer for excellent low and high frequency behavior. Additionally, we have integrated the newest iteration of our Automatic Bias System for continuous and precise control of the quiescent currents, providing a seamless user experience.

Custom Output Transformers
The transformers of our amplifiers are custom-designed and built in our in-house transformer workshop. Our output transformers are constructed using high-permeability, large cross-section toroidal magnetic cores, which undergo initial impregnation during the production process. Following this, the winding process begins, utilizing a multi-layered, sectioned, and specially arranged winding configuration. This meticulous design ensures optimal performance across both low and high frequencies. Once the winding is complete, the transformers are encased in metal shielding cans to minimize electromagnetic interference. Finally, they are potted using an epoxy compound to eliminate mechanical vibrations and associated noises.

Custom Power Transformer
Just like our output transformers, our power transformers are also custom-designed and built in our in-house transformer workshop. We manufacture them with the same precision and attention to details: the high-permeability, large cross-section toroidal cores are also impregnated, and then the winding process follows. The parameters of the windings are designed to avoid saturation of the magnetic core and to ensure efficient operation even under heavy load conditions. It is important to note that we use double electromagnetic shielding for our power transformers. Finally, we employ the same epoxy compound used to pot the output transformers to eliminate mechanical vibrations and associated noises.

Automatic Bias System
This circuit continuously monitors the behavior of each tube and regulates the bias voltages accordingly, ensuring the smallest possible output voltage noise while guaranteeing the highest degree of linearity of the output stage. Additionally, it prevents the sensitive, high-permeability output transformer cores from saturating by precisely equalizing the quiescent currents of the power tubes. Furthermore, the bias system incorporates a built-in soft-start function, which prevents the tubes from drawing excessive current during start-up and eliminates pops and noises. The result is that no further adjustment is required once the electron tubes supplied with the unit have been installed; the Automatic Bias System takes care of everything.

Filament Soft Start
To significantly extend the lifetime of the power tubes, we have implemented the Filament Soft-Start feature, which limits the current flowing through the heating filaments to a safe level during start-up when the tubes are cold. The transient current of a 300B’s cold filament can exceed eight times the nominal heating current, which poses a risk of damaging the expensive power tubes in a short time. Therefore, each of the filaments of the 300B’s is fed from its own stabilized DC power supply, and the soft-start circuit ensures that the transient current in each filament remains well below 2 Amperes throughout start-up, providing sufficient protection for the tubes.

Highly Optimized Layout
During the design phase, a significant amount of engineering time was devoted to the layout details of the whole integrated amplifier. Our top priority was to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio and completely eliminate mains related signal components from the audio frequency spectrum. To achieve this, we separated the audio circuits as much as possible from the power supplies that cause the most electromagnetic interference. We also restructured a substantial portion of the amplifier’s internal components. By using our highest-quality printed circuit boards, we created a modular, robust, and high-performance layout.